Back in SoCal
Leah and I made it safely back to SoCal after our honeymoon in Williamsburg, VA. We had a great time, did a lot but never felt like we were rushing ourselves. Thanks to everyone who had something to do with the wedding! We really appreciated your involvement!
Now its back to work. i'm hitting the ground running, as we have jr high summer camp in two weeks and then CORE Week after that. i'll add more later, but just wanted to let you know we're doing well and loving marriage!
Yippy, You're back! Glad you had fun in VA. Well, now that the honeymoon is over real life can begin
: ) Oh, congrats since I haven't seen you since you got hitched
You are back!! I am glad that you had fun in VA. Real life starts NOW!! ;)
This is sounding a little like Robbs comment! Oh, well, what else can we all say!
I am glad that there is a new post! it's been awhile, so, any pictues of VA? or the wedding?
of course you made it back and having sex and marriage because your the only one God cares about. you can destroy lives and God dont care. If there was any justice you would get aids and die.
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