Friday, September 16, 2005

she be CRAZY

as if we needed anymore proof, here it is


At 3:13 PM, Blogger Ian said...

Is this lady for real? "Occupied" New Orleans? Weren't her ilk just screaming about how there wasn't enough of a gov't and/or military presence in the flooded areas? I seem to remember a threat a few weeks ago that if one life was lost in New Orleans because of the lack of Nat'l Guard, due to deployment in Iraq, then Bush would have "Hell to pay". What is going through these people's heads? Not much, apparently.

Oh, by the way,

Bloody Vikings...

At 7:36 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Although I certainly can see the confusion when troops are running around with armored vehicles and automatic weapons defending property, instead of delivering food and water. Or perhaps the case of the nurses with vans full of medication that were turned away for lack of "clearance."

But seriously we should reserve our mental energy for sports.

Q: What's George Bush's position on Roe v. Wade?
A: He really doesn't care how people get out of New Orleans.

At 1:18 PM, Blogger Tim Costine said...

i find it hard to understand how that was the national guardsmen's problem. and what about the vans and trucks with supplies that were hijacked because they weren't there. now that they are, it stopped. or what about getting the people away from the incredibly toxic waters that they were living in? they were 'running around with armored vehicles and automatic weapons' because there were crazy people 'running around with automatic weapons'.

Q: What should we do in face of Katrina?
Too Many Americans Answer: Bush screwed it up!

seriously, lets work at making this right, then we'll spend the millions of dollars so we can officially 'have someone to blame.

At 6:49 AM, Blogger Beth said...

Is that for real or is it a spoof?

At 10:36 AM, Blogger Tim Costine said...

the thing with this lady is i don't know if there's anything she could say to surprise anyone...


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