Lost Forum

So I thought it might be cool to have a 'Lost' discussion thing every thursday. Its on on Wednesday nights at 9 so we'll talk about episodes here and talk about what we think is going on.
Episode 3-
So is the counter thing just a test on human behavior? I think Jack was right that its a bit foolish to think that a small old computer like that could be significant, and why would they have test that would cause disaster if it wasn't completed? I think these people, like Locke, just want something to do. They want a purpose, so they're willing to just type numbers into a computer. But it was interesting to see that Jack did press the button even though he didn't think anything would happen. The fear of the unknown can be controlling. I also thought that John had a good point when he responded to Jack saying that that computer couldn't possible control anything by saying, 'just like its impossible for you to know that guy?' We already know the impossible is possible on the island.
as far as the prisoner trio, i saw that betrayal of the girl coming. so are the rest of them survivors, too? and Jin speaks English?!?!?!?! I screamed when i heard that and leah yelled at me for being loud late at night. could he have spoken english the whole time or does he suddenly know it?
so what are your thoughts?
ok, the episode mentioned a thing about B.F. Skinner and apparently he was a guy who would do behavioral studies and the Dharma Project actually exists! it was a study done by B.F. Skinner to study the behavior of people.
i've never seen a tv show that has provided clues like this that allow the viewers to research it and get clues off the internet. cool stuff.
a link to a website of the Hanso Foundation mentioned in the show. they made a website of the place for the viewers. very cool.
You're going to get me hooked into this, aren't you? (Just like Beth and X-Files) I admit I do love shows that make you figure things out. I've only seen 2 or 3 shows from the first season, so I'll have to catch up before I can add anything to the conversation.
So, last night when Jack said that he was married to that girl, I was shocked!! WHO KNEW, ok I guess I missed that one from last year! I missed 1 episode and it must have been that one! oops!
What happened? Or will we find out this season?
Jin english, I kinda thought he sould speak english all along! figured he was doing the same thing as his wife! guess I was right :)
I like how they go back and forth with the whole old life new life things, I really want to know about Sied? (is that how you spell it?) I can't wait!!
Yeah, it is addicting, just don't let Beth know that we watch TV on Wed. nights! (other than that the TV really is off!!!) even unplugged!
I think that this is funny that you watch it, and Deb my advice to you is get the first season and watch it (do a marathon) that will catch you up pretty quick, you may even get things watching it more than once, I know that during the reruns I always catch more!!
OK it's TV that is eniugh for me!BYE!
yeah, there was an episode last season about Jack's wedding to that girl. we just didn't know exactly how they met other than that Jack helped save her.
Sayid had two episodes. the first was about him being in the Republican Guard in Iraq and having to torture people that were rebellious. Then he really liked this girl and decided to help her escape, which he was going to get caught for so he ran.
the second episode was about him having to set up a friend who was going to do a suicide bombing in Australia so that he could find where this girl is.
mom, i can tell you some time the basic background of everything so you can add to the conversation.
Yeah, I got all that stuff last season. I just meant this year, seeing more of his life "revealed".
I can't believe that we missed the wedding! UGH! So, where is Jacks wife? Do you think that the other guy came back when he realized she was ok? or did something happen to her? or is one missing from the plane? hmmm...
To be continued....
there's no way that guy came back. he was a slimeball. if anything, it was probably jack who was uncomfortable with thinking the basis of their relationship was her getting 'healed'. after seeing the episode this year i think he knew he didn't do it, it was just a miracle that he couldn't explain, and he hates not being able to understand or explain things as we have noticed on the island. but i guess we'll find out later what happened to his marriage.
another thing i'm dying to find out is how Lock got paralyzed. they've really made him the primary flashback guy and have done a really good job with his flashbacks. I'd also like to see more flashbacks on Hugo, which we may see this next week since the title is 'Everybody Hates Hugo'. i think he'll be caught raiding the hatch for food.
OK, you've opened the box, so to speak....
Where to start? First, I think Jack's wife is dead. I'm not sure how, but something big must have happened. Did you notice how he reacted when Desmond brought up the whole subject last night? I think something may have happened with Jack, too. I think he may have been ill or injured between the time of his meeting his wife and making it to the island (Is his haor just short, or is it growing out?).
About Desmond. I really thought he would have a bigger role in the whole island thing. When we found it was him in the hatch I was convinced that he would show up in everybody's flash backs and that he was the one to bring them there. Guess I was wrong.
I think Jin is about to kick some serious booty....
More later
OK, about the whole Dharma project thing....
The orientation film in the last episode said that the hatch was "the swan" station, and said it was station 3, created to observe the electro magnetic properties of the island at that location. From this, I think we can infer that there are at least two other stations, 1 and 2. So, does that mean there are more hatches on the island, or even off shore? I think the experiment is partly on human behavior, but there is more to it. Remember the polar bears in the orientation film? Not coincidence. Something's going on with animals; be it reproduction or mutations, or whatever. Also, I thought I noticed this the first time I watched it, but if you go back to the second episode of the season and watch the part where Sawyer and Michael are on the raft, and it shows an underwater view of the shark swimming underneath them, you'll see that the Dharma symbol is on the tail of the shark. So, this experiment is big, whatever it is. The orientation film also left a lot of questions. What was the "incident" that occurred? Is the "security system" a result of that (what is that thing anyway!?). Also, did you notice the blips and skips in the audio/visual of the film at key moments? One was near the end, after the speaker explained about inputing the numbers to reset the countdown, and it said something like, "don't use the computer to [SKIP!]...." . Don't use the computer to what!?
Does this show remind anyone else of the computer game MYST?
Ian too? hahahaha....
Its a very epistemologiacl show:
Clues, pieces, patterns, wholes....
OK, maybe I'm just trying to justify my addiction ;)
Hooked. Psthetically hooked.
oh my gosh! myst is the perfect comparison! i was trying to think what it was that it totally reminded me of. the whole thing about one thing leading to a bunch of different things totally reminded me of myst! my mom and i would play that when i was in high school. but that's exactly what i was thinking, i just couldn't remember what it was that it reminded me of so clearly.
as far as the different hatches, i think there are six. at the beginning of the video it said something like 3 of 6. and i think each place studies a different thing. if you go to that website i put above it has a 'secret link' to the dharma project below the list of others. but the other projects each would have something to do with things like polar bears, that shark, and other things that have been weird. check it out.
That web sight is weird; I was looking at it last night. The other projects bring up huge possibilities. Juxtapositional Eugenics is pretty much cloning to improve upon the original (two polar bears on the island....). That along side the cryongenics development and the "Life-Extension Project" just has crazy potential. Think of Jack's dad. Why was the casket empty? Maybe Jack wasn't hallucinating when he chased him through the woods. The "Accelerated Remoted Viewing Training Facility" makes me think that everything that is happening on the island is being watched fram afar. The numbers are all about the "Mathematical Forecasting Initiave". Also, a thought about the "Quest for Extra-Terrestrial Intelligence": Remember the comic book that Hurley had on the plane and that Walt was reading on the island? They have only shown three pages from that book: one had a polar bear on it, and there were polar bears on the island. I can't remember the second one, but I know it had a parallel on the island. The third page was a picture of aliens examing the brain of a guy who's cranial cap had been removed. Hmmm.... so many questions, so many clues. I wonder how much of it is stuff that has nothing to do with the story and that the producers threw in to drive geeks like me crazy.
OK here is a question, do you think of your week as 3 days before lost, 2 days before lost, a day before lost, then lost day? b/c if you do that... you are really hooked!
As I was reading down through this I also thought of Myst and my "figure-it-out" motor came on. This show also reminds me of the myth episodes of X-Files. Where were you all when I was trying to figure THAT one out? Huh? Hopefully this show won't throw too many red herrings or completely change facts like X-Files did. [I'm still trying to figure out the alien in the power generator tank that that boy was attracted to in the season conclusion one year. What was that all about? They never did follow through on that clue.]
Is the first season of "Lost" on DVD? It's on Wed. nights, right? What time? [I can't believe I'm letting you do this to me...]
Season one is on DVD. The current season is on Wed. nughts at 9:00 on ABC (I sound like an advertisement). Be forewarned, it is addicting.
Only 3 days 'till the next episode!
goodness, I'm pathetic.......
I think that we should all hook up a special ring on the phone to remind us on Wednesday nights. Around 8:00 so that we can all make sure that the kids are in bed, ASLEEP!! the popcorn is made, the phone is off the hook, and we are comfy on the couch, floor, (or wherever you sit for the show!)
Then no one will forget that it is coming on and miss the first few minutes of the show! hmm... now that would be pathetic! :)
Hey Tim, since we are a couple of hours ahead of you out here, we will watch the show for you and post what it was all about. We will save you some time and you won't need to watch it! Would you like that? OR I could call you and let you know what happened? either way, just let me know! :)
i figured i'd just call you when something big happens so i can wake you up at midnight.
Midnight? ha, I have 6 kids remeber, I don't get to bed before 2 at least!!
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