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me with Santo Clause, the Mexican Kris Kringle who works at the south pole and utilizes cheap labor.

the famous ice cream trough... ahhh, so many kids got brain freeze. ahahahahaha

last year's 7th grader's initiation into jr high

winter camp a couple years ago. we all wore orange.

Purity Security's official band pic

my old band, Purity Security. Our number 1 hit was 'You shouldn't make out and Hume Lake' and got a standing o at open mic night. it was followed by an irish jig with riverdance

napoleon dynamite night participants

my present small group

the new freshmen when they were only 8th graders. awwww....


my first small group, well, part of it.
now that i realized that pictures weren't nearly as difficult, here's more!
Some day YOU will have a Jr. Hi girl (with long curly hair, no doubt) who will come home after playing games at Youth Group and her lovely tresses will be covered with ice cream, whipped cream and sticky stuff...and you may see it differently. ( could just have Leah clean her up. ;)
latter more likely than former
one day, one day you will answer to what you have done
End of times is coming evil thay name is Tim costine his succubus evil wife and the evil off spring of Satan is here we must pray
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