Monday, August 08, 2005

Beach Trip!!

jelly the jellyfist

the gravesite

jelly the jellyfish

the mourners

the grave

matt is special


josh chasing down mark

josh trying to be better than mark

mark trying to hit his mark

the lovely couple

boys playing

caleb can't quite reel this one in

josh strutting the heisman

justin- man among boys

sean going deep

sean and the shekinah

luke being a jr higher

daniel attempting to stake me

ricky being content

boys smoring

west coast anna thug style

Leah the smore maker

Ariel and Brianna

Ricky liked his smore.... a lot.

giancarlo and justin like em burnt

justin and sarah


At 3:30 PM, Blogger Beth said...

The jelly fish looks like a placenta.

At 4:13 PM, Blogger Tim Costine said...

yeah, they were pretty big, not the nice little jelly fish you see at the aquariums or anything. there was this thing called a 'red tide' that had come in and the last few weeks there have been thousand upon thousands of jellyfish coming to eat it. and apparently they take the shade of what they eat. it was pretty gross. the first few hundred feet of water was a brownish color and then it was all blue further out. i didn't spend too much time in the water this time. just long enough to catch that baby on a board. i got some of its 'juice' on my stomach carrying the board out of the ocean and it was all read and tingly.

At 6:12 PM, Blogger BethsMomToo said...

Just as long as you don't eat any seafood caught in a redtide area - it makes the seafood poisonous. So don't go for any "bargain basement" seafood...although seafood and you don't necessarily go together, do they...

At 8:46 AM, Blogger Beth said...

mom, Tim doesn't like seafood... more evidence that you are not our real mother

At 9:40 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

of course josh can only TRY to be better than mark, because we all know he never really will be better. =b

At 4:43 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

so what Josh TRIES to be a UCLA football hunk strutting the heisman. bet he never actually will unlike..........his friends that will go to USC,(fight on!!!)like Mark.

At 6:50 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

yeah thats right.... go southern cal.

At 4:44 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Go USC!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Whoever "Anonumous" is is reeeeeeeeally smart!!!!!!!! =b

At 11:01 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anyone shall beable deal with it by saying to you that YOUR boyfriend will go to USC (I have no dout) and that USC is going to kick UCLA's butt this year (in football)!!!!

I shall comfort you with this one thing: USC pretty much is a tottal loser at every other sport. But then again that is just MY opinion.


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