who doesn't have a few minutes to waste? i know i don't, but i still manage to find myself finding odd stuff online. i'll throw some links up here once and awhile for your enjoyment.
Shotgun Rules -a must for anyone who regularly has kids in their cars. Matt really should have had this when we terrorized him in S.O.P.
comedy genius- a master of the one liners who passed away this past week. truly a funy guy. try to find some audio or video on him so you can hear his delivery, too.
brilliant- simply brilliant. Maybe Tim Peloquin should have done this when running for Selectman. hahahahahahahahahaha.... oh, i just pictured it.... hahahaha
is this ok?- i think this might be wrong, but its sooo funny.
forgetful?- if this is a requirement, my mom could be the next pope
Nice Anthem!- oh my gosh, i saw this on tv last night. absolutely hilarious. you totally saw it coming and you just keep saying 'don't go back out on the ice!'