Thursday, April 28, 2005

clueless and homeless... a horrible way to go through life

i'm driving to school this morning and it was a cloudy morning with a steady drizzle. Definately not what you want for an April morning in Southern California. Well, i'm driving through Pasadena and this homeless guy is standing at the light, trying to was windshields.... IN THE RAIN! simply amazing.

Wednesday, April 27, 2005

so ready for school to be done!

So i'm going to be entering my last week of school for the year, and i'm more than ready to get to summer break. i've been going straight for almost two years since i took a huge class last summer. now i'm wrapping up a semester with projects up the wahoo. i just want to go to sleep and wake up two weeks from today.

last night i went to a 'cultish' meeting for a class. i have a cults class for which i have to do a paper on 'the Local Church'. The Local Church is based in southern california and there happens to be a couple near my house, so i thought i'd go by and see how it was. i went basically as a person who hadn't been to church for awhile, but that's more how they saw me, really. It was really kind of weird, because they were all kind of praying out loud and yelling amen every other second. but it was good to see how what i had been researching really worked out. to say the least, i won't be switching churches.

now i'm working on a missions syllabus as if i'd be teaching a class. not easy. i'm pretty sure that the other people int he class are putting waaaay more into than i am, but that's fine. at this point i'm satisfied with how its going. man, the summer can't get here soon enough. i'm ready to be done with school.

Monday, April 25, 2005

time wasting links- fixed

who doesn't have a few minutes to waste? i know i don't, but i still manage to find myself finding odd stuff online. i'll throw some links up here once and awhile for your enjoyment.

Shotgun Rules -a must for anyone who regularly has kids in their cars. Matt really should have had this when we terrorized him in S.O.P.

comedy genius- a master of the one liners who passed away this past week. truly a funy guy. try to find some audio or video on him so you can hear his delivery, too.

brilliant- simply brilliant. Maybe Tim Peloquin should have done this when running for Selectman. hahahahahahahahahaha.... oh, i just pictured it.... hahahaha

is this ok?- i think this might be wrong, but its sooo funny.

forgetful?- if this is a requirement, my mom could be the next pope

Nice Anthem!- oh my gosh, i saw this on tv last night. absolutely hilarious. you totally saw it coming and you just keep saying 'don't go back out on the ice!'