Friday, August 26, 2005

quick hits

here's a few things that i've thought about and don't exactly take an entire post.

i'm making a 'extreme dislike' list for people or businesses that i really don't like.
- phone companies- seriously, $180 for a simple phone?! that's bull. i told the guy it was a rip off and he said that's how much they pay for them and they don't sell them for profit (whatever, huge lie). so i told the guy they're getting ripped off. then they'll charge you all this stuff that you don't really want, make you pay to not have your number listed, and so on and so on.
- policemen who look for discretions rather than looking for criminals. they end up punishing good citizens while letting real ones slip through
- newspapers- so i got a limited subscription to the LA Times and i didn't get any papers for two weeks. in the middle of that they had an automated machine call me and ask if anything was wrong. i entered the appropriate numbers for my problem and they had me call them at a different number. so i do this and then they tell me that i have to call back at a different time because it was off hours. i don't even really like that newspaper, its just that they have an ok sports page and the coupons on sundays.
- asian drivers- for some reason many asian drivers can't drive. there are plenty of good asian drivers, its just where i live the bad ones dominate the landscape. i don't know if its because many come from cities where they didn't drive or what, but the list of problems i've had is far too long to fit in this column. for instance, stopping at a green light to check cross traffic (almost rear ended them), going incredibly slow and holding up traffic, not using turn lanes to turn, pulling out right in front of traffic, turning and blocking two lanes at a light instead of just going straight and turning around, and much much more.
- the dmv- for obvious reasons
- my old testament class that is slow and requires me to drive 60 miles on fridays.
my list is bound to increase, so watch out.
- a worship and music class i have to take and learn how to direct music. so many other things could be more productive.

so i'm starting school soon. not really looking forward to it. its going to be waaay busy and i'm going to miss just being to take a night off and relax with my wife. i'm not looking forward to driving and paying for gas.

if Oprah and the rest of her celeb friends were really that concerned with ending world problems, wouldn't they put their money where their mouth is?

so i was at the airport the other day and was talking with a Hare Krishna and he recognized i was a christian pretty quickly, then told me that the word 'only' does not appear in Matthew 14:6 where Christ says he's 'the way, the truth and the life'. i said he was right, but that the definate article was there, making it exclusive. he was surprised that i actually knew greek and had looked at that. then he tried telling me that the things that we couldn't bear to hear (ripping a verse out of context) were the things he believed. i asked him if Adam knew about mercy, and he asked me what the answer was and i said obviously not. even if God had told him, he wouldn't have understood it before the fall. so the guy was getting frustrated and said he needed to go talk to other people and walked away. i just yelled out and told him to make sure he remembered he was the one walking away. then later i got so mad about it because he would rather prey on people who showed no resistence and were easily swayed instead of talking with someone who knew what they were talking about.

when is the world going to realize that cindy sheehan is just insane and ruining the legacy of her son?

well, there is more i'd like to post, but i must depart for the time being.

Monday, August 22, 2005

any ideas?

so i just found out last night that i have to preach in two sundays. i'm not quite sure as to what i'm going to preach on yet, though. i'm kind of leaning towards what it means to glorify God with all of your mind. That we must not just guard our mind, but committ it to the glory of God. my friends and i talked quite a bit about this last night over dinner last night and it was a very encouraging conversation. this wouldn't necessarily be an 'exigetical' sermon, but it would be based on the greek use of the word 'mind'. any ideas about this or what i should preach on?