"I Am My Brother's Keeper" by Jeffrey & Craig Weiss

I finished this book awhile ago, but haven't said anything on it, so here are my thoughts. First of all, this book is one of the most amazing books when it comes to amazing story after amazing story. All the way through the book, i found myself stopping and telling Leah what I had just read simply because it was so unbelievable.
The book is about American and Canadian involvement with Israel during the War for Independence throughout 1947-49. It is the compilation of many interviews and recently declassified information, and takes the reader chronologically throughout the war, showing the amazing sacrifices people made to serve the cause they completely believed in. just some amazing amazing stories.
here are a couple of examples.
the man who was responsible for training the Rangers in the US military, Mickey marcus, and served the US in WWII. he convinced his superiors to send him to England to be a liason. While in England, he met up with the 101 Airborn and convinced someone to let him jump with them the day before D-Day. So he gets out there, and out of the thousands that jumped, only two had never jumped out of an airplane before, he was one of them. So he jumps and helps the platoon he's with, and leads one group to remove a key machine gun nest overlooking the beaches. By now, the department of defense finds out where he is and calls him back to the US. Mickey marcus went over to Israel to help organize the infant army and make them into a fighting machine. he lost his life in Israel.
there is another story of smuggling planes out of the US and trying to get them to Israel. These guys managed to get the planes out of the US when they started to get pressure. They convinced Panama that they were a forming airline company, so they gave them a piece of the airport to use. The government down there starts getting antsy that this company hasn't made any flight or started, so they figure their time there is coming to an end. they tell the government that they're going to take their five planes and try out different routes to Europe. Well, the government brings all of these diplomats and business persons out to see the launching of this great airline complany. the planes take off, and the last one turns around, waves to the crowd, and they never returned.
the book is absolutely jam packed with amazing stories and I could go on and on, but I can't. if you are at all interested in this subject, i reccommend this book to you!