A Religious Mutt

This is part of an interview that i found with Goldie Hawn. She is apparently a Buddhist Christian. I ran into a lady who was the same thing a few weeks ago and i asked her how she came to that conclusion and she said that she was raised catholic and her boyfriend was Buddhist and he helped her know Jesus better. i was just really confused. well, here's goldie!
So you had a multifaith childhood.
Definitely. I also went to the Presbyterian church. And it was so great not to be stopped, you see. A parent can say, "You’re Jewish, you don’t get to do that. This is our faith, you don’t get to learn about it." But my mother loved Jesus—she was just a complete Jesus freak.
She was?
Oh, and I am too—that’s another interesting thing.
He went to the desert; he sat quietly. He sat so quietly that he heard the voice of God. He heard the truth. He felt the truth. He was able to receive the truth because he emptied himself and he had the ability to do it. Perhaps that was his specialness, or part of it.
Why was your mother so into Jesus?
Because she felt he was an extraordinary man. She didn’t believe, of course, that he was the son of God. But she believed that he was one of the great humans, superhumans, on the planet.
That was a long time ago to have been Jewish and to believe that.
I know. My mother was the kind of person who was very much part of her tribe and very much a satellite of her tribe. She was the girl who left her family at the age of 17 and went to Washington. My mother was orphaned at three and then was brought up by my aunt Goldie. So, yes she belonged, but there was a part of her that didn’t.
How do you incorporate Judaism and Christianity in your spiritual practice?
I’ve been practicing modalities of Eastern philosophy since about 1972. What I’ve learned through my meditation is a sense of equanimity, a sense of all things being equal. Then I went to Israel--and when I went to Israel, I had a very, very strong epiphany. Every now and then, I will light a candle; I will light candles for my mother on the High Holidays and my father and my relatives. I haven’t been to the synagogue, at least not recently.
And when I went to Jerusalem and Tel Aviv, I started to look at their society, I started to look at their people, I started to look at the ways in which they lived and what mattered to them as a society, as a people, what is their natural inclination in building a good society. Mothers and grandmothers took care of the preschoolers and created afterschool programs, where children can go after school to get them off the streets. These were incredible nurturing qualities, right down to making sure they had hot food. I looked at this and I finally realized, "Oh my God, now I see myself. Now I know why I sit and I watch my children eat and I’m sitting over them, watching them eat and wanting them to be happy because I’m feeding them." That’s when I realized that was my DNA.
I integrate that knowledge into my spiritual practice. But who you are has not much to do with what you are becoming, because the qualities you bring to any faith--whether it’s honed by family, religion, or lack of religion whatever it is--you bring it to wherever you’re going. The idea of faith itself, that you believe or you don’t believe in certain things, will continue no matter what faith you are in. You will learn to question all. So do I bring it to my practice? No, I don’t bring Judaism necessarily into my Buddhist thought, because all that I have been is there already.
Is that the same for the Christian half of you?
Yes. The interesting part of my spiritual life is studying as much as you can. Islam and Buddhism and Hinduism and Shamanism and Judaism, Christianity--you try to learn what the precepts are, what the religion is, and ultimately, it’s based in the same thought, it’s based in the same outcome, you know.
(Whispers) It just has a different façade.
We go into religion in order to feel warmer in our hearts, more connected to others, more connected to something greater and to have a sense of peace. I think all religions try to do that, but they corrupt themselves. I like Buddhist thought because it breaks that down; it teaches you how to view your thoughts rather than be your thoughts. We live in this crazy world, full of jobs, and we have to be there, be-be-be--it’s a very demanding, taxing world. The result of meditating is watching your thoughts, detachment from your own precepts of what is right and wrong, things that frustrate you, that you can’t grasp and want to grasp onto.